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The Annoying Latest and Expensive Things Syndrome

You wanna get, buy or possess anything, I think you should examine what drives you in craving for that thing.

Why am I saying this? It is because lately people buy a lot of latest stuff, mostly because they simply are latest or expensive, they get the latest so they can be considered trendy, and they crave for the expensive so that they can show off their wealth, their narcissism, their obsession or whatever.

A classic example is this dude that bought eight iPhone 7 for his dog

So this just spurned me to write, to clarify what latest and expensive mean for Pete sake!!!

Enough is Enough

Latest stuffs are called “latest” because they can allow you to do what you could not do yesterday, things you have been wishing you could do for a long time, things that are amazing, things that were not possible, things that allows you to be more effective and make life easier for you.

For the Expensive stuff, most of them are expensive because the materials are hard to get, they are quality materials that took a lot of time to research on before it was made, so at first the researchers, inventors or manufacturers will need to make their lifetime money for their lifetime wahala, and then the material of course will have to be lifetime worth. So, it should be something that makes you more effective or makes your life easier for a lifetime. And Oh… Well, some greedy manufacturers and businessmen take advantage of this fact and make cheap stuff latest and expensive to rip off money, but then it is the likes of those that don’t have the right mindset of why stuff are latest or expensive that fall for it… Not Me

For example, when Blackberry (BB) rave was on, Mehnnn… people killed to get that phone and it was expensive die. Other than its BBM functionality popularly called Pinging, it adds no other value. After long time, when the prices fell, dudes rushed to own one just to feel among the clique that owns BB, to ping that babe that was forming high class before and to have that relished feeling when you post on facebook and it says via Blackberry with its logo

I later got the Blackberry, just because networks provide the cheapest data subscription on BB platform (Big thanks to the everly missed and gone-too-soon 1 Terabyte monthly subscription which was available for just NGN1000)

So when folks like me having this right mindset gets stuff that are latest or expensive, and suddenly I get this shower of attention, and high regard, I get annoyed, though mostly I don’t show it, but deep inside me I am like dude please… this stuff is just a utility, to make life better and yours better too, so don’t turn me to a Midas deity that gluts with gold when touched unnecessarily. So in effort to divert their attention from the cost of whatever I use, I emphasize on what the stuff does and how it improves your life. Well that got me tagged as a techie, geek and the likes. I even got a job with the most prestigious gadget company in the world as their Sales Consultant, just because I emphasized on getting a stuff because it could do a thousand and one thing you have been dying to get done easily.

Well, after all said and done….

Some of you will be like Is it your money…. Why u dey vex?

I know it is your money and you have the right to spend it the way you want it and you wanna flaunt it.

But ask yourself are you truly happy?, do you get that lasting peace of mind when you finally get that stuff and you are all alone? Do you feel most times like throwing away things you buy minutes after you buy them just because you feel empty? Do you buy things and you just can’t help feeling sometimes that you were ripped off for just a piece of expensive junk?

You can buy whatever you want to buy, but first you have to get it straight why things are called latest and expensive, then you can have true happiness for yourself at all times.

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